Pub’d on WWAMBam: How 4 Western Women Experience Birth with their Chinese Husbands

I’ve written another article elsewhere on the web.

Zoe and I are still working on establishing a routine that will give me the time to devote to updating the blog.

I compiled four WWAM birthing experiences, including my own. Some of the ladies gave birth in China, one in the UK and my experience took place in the U.S. We talk about 坐月子, the Chinese tradition of postpartum confinement.

There were quite a few unrelated WWAM experiences I had during my pregnancy and labor and delivery so there will be another post on this blog about that (I know I said I won’t turn into a mommy blogger and such posts will be limited).


I also know I’ve touted the collective WWAMBam! blog numerous times here, but if you haven’t checked it out yet, head over there to read an array of WWAM content from Western Women married to Asian Men. Most still live in China (I believe there’s a new contributer who lives in S. Korea with her S. Korean husband).

It’s inspiring that such a collective exists, where not only group posts get many people contributing their stories, but the original contributers provide support for those of us less WordPress savvy bloggers (yes, that’s me!) as well as edit posts. Can’t complain about the chance to have another set of eyes glancing over my work.

I’m fairly smitten with the birthing experience I had and really look forward to hearing from you, my readers either here or on the WWAMBam! post.

Thank you, as always, for stopping by,
